Our Dad

Created by Maria 13 years ago
One of the definitions of father is “a man who exercises paternal care, protection and is a provider”. Our Dad cared, protected and provided for his children beyond any dictionary definition. He followed his sister, Giorgoulla, to England wearing his first pair of brand new shoes and from the day he arrived he worked long and hard to provide a good life for himself and his family. Those who worked with him will acknowledge his great work ethic and this influenced us to be the same. He worked as a waiter and when we were children, he impressed us carrying plates and tea cups up his arms. He also worked as an usher in the cinema which gave him a great love of movies especially westerns and the old Hollywood greats. But it was as a painter and decorator that he took the most pride in - later establishing a successful business with a reputation that still stands today and which helped him provide for us all. He married young to Eftichia and together they had three daughters. Sadly, Eftichia passed away and it was difficult for a man, at such an age, to lose his young wife. When many men of his generation would have handed over their care to others he was determined to bring three young girls up on his own. He struggled for two years until he met and married our mum Giorgoulla. Together they had two more girls and a boy and he was very proud of his family. In his youth he was a complex character, not sharing his feelings and emotions, but like a good quality whisky he mellowed in time and wore his heart on his sleeve to all of us. We are all lucky to have been blessed with enough time to hear our Dad express deep feelings of love towards the whole family. Soli, as a man, had integrity and was a strong person that people respected. We can never forget how he battled and beat cancer, barely flinching at the trauma of it all. One Easter Sunday we will always remember how he cooked the souvla and sat at the head of the table even though he himself being ill from the chemotherapy could not eat a thing. Throughout our lives he would set strong examples of love, loyalty and family commitment. Our Dad was a generous man who often helped friends and family. He loved his brother and sisters and spoke fondly of his childhood with them in Agridaki. He said recently he was a very lucky man because he had married two good women and as a loyal and faithful husband, he provided a good home and life. He was so grateful to Mum for caring for him so patiently and lovingly through the difficult illness of motor neuron. He told her every day he appreciated and loved her. He was also extremely grateful to our Thea Ellou for being by his side every single day and helping Mum to care for him. The three of them would joke and laugh together about one thing or another whilst eagerly waiting to watch the Greek soaps. We made sure we surrounded him with love through these difficult months and he told us we made him feel like King Solomon. He loved being surrounded by everyone however chaotic the house would be. He would often sit watching his five rather verbal daughters, talking, laughing, arguing and debating all at once. He would always say “ezalisade me” but he still sat there taking it all in with a proud gleam in his eye. Everyone knows how much he loved his football with a passion and supported Spurs loyally for over 45 years and would endlessly and colourfully discuss the merits and faults of the players with his son. As a Bapou he loved his grandchildren being around him and took great pleasure in teasing them and giving each a personal nickname or catch phrase. He enjoyed the company of his five son in laws sharing stories and personal anecdotes over a glass of whisky around the souvla. He loved playing cards with his friends both at the Community Centre here and the Kafene in Cyprus. But the thing that our Dad will be remembered for above all by family, friends, colleagues and all who met him was his amazing sense of humour. We will never forget his sharp wit and cheeky comments. We are proud and honoured that he was our father and we will always love him dearly and hold him close to our hearts.